Location and site map
The Bosomtwe District, is located at the central part of the Ashanti Region and lies within latitudes 6° 24 South and 6° 43‟ North and longitudes 1° 15‟ East and 1° 46‟ West. It is bounded on the north by Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, on the east by Ejisu - Juaben Municipal, on the south by Bekwai Municipal and Bosome - Freho District, and on the west by Atwima - Kwanwoma District. The district has a land size of about 422.5 sq. km. It is the eleventh largest district in the Ashanti Region. The Bosomtwe District has 67 communities. Kuntanse is the district capital. The District is sub-divided into three area councils namely, Jachie, Kuntanase and Boneso. Figures 1.6 and Figure 1.7 show Bosomtwe District in the national and regional context respectively. Figure 1.8 also depicts the map of the District showing the sixty-seven communities.
Kindly contact us via the District Client Unit on 0322192821
District Social Welfare and Community Services on 0577118751